GM CEO Mary Barra Now Talking With UAW

GM’s Mary Barra met Tuesday morning with UAW President and lead negotiators on day 30 of the union’s strike against General Motors continues. The meeting could signal a tentative agreement is near.

A meeting was called between the UAW and its National GM Council in Detroit on Thursday, and today’s meeting is a good sign there is a framework for a deal between the two.

Early Monday, three main sticking points remained between the two sides as the UAW strike against GM nears the one-month mark since 46,000 union workers went on strike at 55 GM facilities nationwide.

The three issues centered on shortening the time for in-progression workers, those hired after 2007, to make a higher wage, enhancing the pension and 401(k) formulas and for GM to assure future product will be built in U.S. plants. 

The rest of the story is here: