Free Chat Friday, Week 42

Here are just a few of the things that happened within the past couple of days: From “What the Fuck Just Happened Today” and its sister site “Current Status“.

Someday we’ll look back on the Summer and Fall of 2019 but. . . .will we laugh or will we cry?

  • Representative Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, died Oct. 17, 2019, of complications after an illness, he was 68 years old.
  • Mulvaney Says, Then Denies, That Trump Held Back Ukraine Aid as Quid Pro Quo.
  • Democratic leaders walked out of a White House meeting with Trump after he had a “meltdown” and called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “third-grade politician.” 
  • Trump sent a letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week urging him to make a deal with the Kurds, saying: “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool
  • Erdogan tossed Trump’s letter in the trash.
  • Gordon Sondland says Giuliani pushed Ukraine probes at Trump’s direction.
Rudy Giuliani: October 16, 2019
  • Michael McKinley, who resigned as a senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, testified that he quit because career diplomats had been sidelined on Ukraine. 
  • G-7 Summit To Be Held At Trump’s Miami Golf Resort.
  • Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas who has become enmeshed in the Ukraine scandal, said he would resign as secretary of energy.