The Guardian: The Democratic Presidential Candidate Who Won’t Give Up

Joe Sestak Marches On

Joe Sestak is spending three weeks campaigning in [NH] – including walking 105 miles (169km) across the state.

On the same day, Sestak met Allen in Peterborough, the 12 leading Democratic candidates were debating in Ohio on CNN. The audience was 8.3 million: disappointing for CNN, but priceless exposure to someone like Sestak.

Yet, to his credit, Sestak persevered with his one-person crowd in Peterborough. He’d walked there, after all – seven miles, from Dublin. Sestak’s staff will pick him up and drive him to some of his farther-flung [NH] events, but he plonks a stick in the ground at the end of each walk, and starts there again the next day…

As promised, that night Sestak held his own online debate. He answered the same questions posed to the candidates on stage, live from a Dunkin’. Sestak was sitting quite far away from the camera and it was difficult to hear him. At 9.57pm, just three people were watching the live stream on Sestak’s Facebook page, and the Guardian was one of them.

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Article submitted by, salticidae.