John Bolton’s Lawyers In Contact With Impeachment Panels

Lawyers for John Bolton, the former national security advisor, have been in contact with officials working on House committees for the impeachment inquiry about Bolton possibly testifying, according to a person close to Bolton.

According to Fiona Hill, the White House’s former top Europe expert, Bolton was disturbed by the efforts to get Ukraine to investigate Trump’s political opponents, calling it a “drug deal.”

He reportedly also called America’s Mayor and Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, a “hand grenade.”

The Washington Post reported Thursday that White House trade representative Robert Lighthizer in August withdrew a recommendation to restore some of Ukraine’s trade privileges after Bolton “warned him that President Trump probably would oppose any action that benefited the government in Kyiv.”

Bolton left the Trump administration on September 10, saying he had resigned. Trump has said he was fired.

Source at CNBC