Don Jr. Criticizes Baseball Fans for Booing

Donald Trump Jr. tried to brush off the critics at the Nationals World Series game who gave the near universal Bronx cheer for his father on Sunday night, calling them the “leftist DC fan base.”

“I’ll take boos from the leftist DC fan base and cheers from the great men and women of the United States Armed Forces any day of the week!” Trump Jr. tweeted Monday morning, along with a video of the president surrounded by military officers on the field before an Army-Navy college football game.

The chants of “lock him up” surrounded Trump and his entourage, which included Sen. Lindsey Graham and Reps. Steve Scalise, Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz and Liz Cheney. It was a rare occasion for Trump to get a glimpse of his detractors, as he typically avoids public appearances that are not packed with handpicked supporters. While the President did not post anything on his Twitter account about attending the game, Don Jr. did.
