Hubble Spots ‘Ghostly Face’ in ‘Titanic’ Collision of Two Massive Galaxies 700 Million Light Years From Earth

An image of a “ghostly face” produced from a “titanic” collision of two massive galaxies just over 700 million light years from Earth has been released by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) in the run up to Halloween.

The positions of the galaxies create the illusion that “an uncanny pair of glowing eyes glares menacingly in our direction,” with a ring of young stars producing the “outline of the face,” a statement from the Hubble Space telescope said.

The image was taken on June 19 as part of a program that takes pictures of the universe when there are gaps in the telescope’s schedule. This “snapshot” program is used to look at interacting galaxies—by doing this, scientists will be able to compile a sample that can be used to work out how galaxies grow by merging with one another over time.

Full article at :Newsweek

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