Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 8-4-2020

Happy Birthday, President Obama! We sure do miss you! Besides that, I got nothing. I’m bored, over this pandemic, over Trump, his buffoonery, and incompetence, but most of all, I’m over 2020. This year has MORE

2020 Elections

New Poll: Biden leads Trump in Ohio

“No Republican has ever been elected or reelected in American history without carrying Ohio, so there’s a particular burden on Trump and his allies and supporters to compete effectively in Ohio,” Mr. Green said. “These MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-01-20

Wow–it’s August already. Good! It just means we’re closer to the General Election. In fact, we’re 93 days out and the incompetent, reckless, dangerous, and racist ass needs to go! It also means, 2020 has MORE


Talko Tuesday: 7-28-2020

Hey, Peeps! What’s going on in your world? My city is close to on fire…again. We had some shit happen over the weekend and that #WalkAway bullshit is supposed to happen this weekend but, my MORE