Pandemic Morons

The Coronavirus Warriors dismantle

Despite growing evidence that the pandemic is still raging, President Trump and other administration officials said on Tuesday that they had made so much progress in bringing it under control that they planned to wind MORE

Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Wednesday

Here are the rules: I request that any stand alone comment you post be in Haiku format. How you reply to a comment is your choice. In a nutshell: Your first line MUST contain 5 syllables, nothing more, nothing less. MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talk’o Tuesday 5-5-20

Happy Cinco de Mayo! We’re probably the only country who celebrates the holiday but bottoms up. I hate tequila…love limes but I do not like ‘to kill ya.’ I think I will make some Mahi MORE

Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Wednesday

We tried the whole limerick thing but Haikus did so much better and proved so much more fun. So, we’re back to Haiku Wednesday. Here are the rules: I request that any stand alone comment you MORE


Talk o Tuesday 4-28-20

So, The Big Tomato or City of Trees has triggered my allergies. If you think things are bad with thinking everyone around you has symptoms of COVID-19 or no symptoms but carries it, try going MORE

Live Discussions

Trump holds a press briefing

After scheduling then canceling the daily COVID-19 press briefing, it appears the White House has scheduled a Trump press briefing for 5PM EDST/2PM PDST. Trump will hold the briefing from the Rose Garden but may MORE