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COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 15 / 2020

Today I will be wrapping up another Covid weekend / low reporting period (Saturday through Monday stats).  This USA TODAY ARTICLE has some jarring visuals to represent what 300,000 dead Americans looks like.  I highly recommend MORE

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COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 8 / 2020

AS THE PANDEMIC GETS WORSE AND WORSE,  Massachusetts is enacting new covid restrictions, Dr Fauci says we have not yet seen “the full blunt” of the Thanksgiving surge, the traditional Michigan-Ohio State football game has MORE

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COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 7 / 2020

The first week of December in review: WORLDOMETER stats: Covid cases over the weekend  384,894 New Covid cases 7 day average  200,012/day Covid deaths over the weekend  3,332 Covid deaths 7 day average  2,258/day At MORE

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COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 5 / 2020

As the pandemic spreads to OUT OF CONTROL NUMBERS THAT WILL KEEP GETTING WORSE, we still have about 6 weeks of President Blunder and the GREAT HUMAN TRAGEDY that his COVID response could charitably be described as. MORE