
PSA: 2019 Election

No, that’s not a typo. Voters in Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia will take to the polls on November 5, 2019 to vote for their state’s governor, legislature, initiatives, mayors, etc. What are MORE


Impeachment Updates: 11-04-19

“Alls Nancy Pelosi thinks about is impeachment!” The attorney for the whistleblower “offered to have Republican lawmakers submit questions to his client directly without having to go through the committee’s Democratic majority.” Without offering any MORE


Impeachment Updates: 11-02-19

The Republican keep changing their talking points from ‘no quid pro quo’ to ‘it’s not illegal’ or that Trump did nothing wrong or illegal. A growing number of Senate Republicans are ready to acknowledge that MORE


Impeachment Updates: 10-30-19

Trump started his day tweeting about the ‘infair Process’ of the impeachment and directed the ‘Rupublicans’ to go after the substance. The tweet refers to Rep. Kevin McCarthy indicating that the GOP will switch from MORE