Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 52

Good morning and Happy Friday, News Viewers. Ms. Rachel is ‘on assignment;’ so, you’re stuck with me.  Aren’t you lucky?! Personally, I love the time I’ve had off.  So, let’s get a few things out MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 51

Happy Friday, News Viewers, this is the Friday after the Wednesday that Impeachment was the Headline; we’ll call it an early Christmas present from the House of Representatives. . . . Let’s freely chat, anything MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 48

Happy Black Friday, News Viewers, although Thursday is now Black Thursday according to Wal-Mart. Not sure what to call Wednesday though–how about “another day Trump moved unimpeded throughout the world”? SO of course, he made MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 45

Happy Friday News Viewers; but not so “Happy” after all, right? Today we are faced with a glaring juxtaposition: an impeachment hearing and a school shooting. Side by side, children dead and wounded because they MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 45

Happy Friday News Viewers, what a roller coaster of a week! We saw slight indications that MAYBE the Trump machine is winding down its attempts at world domination; 2019 elections saw Democratic wins; the House MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat, Week 40+ a PSA

In lieu of Rachel’s absence, you’re stuck with me. Before we get to the fun stuff, I want to address an issue that some of us have encountered. Many of us, including myself, now show MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 37

Happy Friday, News Viewers, on this post–9/11, post– “Tea with Terrorists,” post–Truth, post–Bolton, post–Bahamas, post–OMG, Vaping!, post–Irish Pence, post —- The United States As We Know It……….Friday. Another week, another word salad from Donald Trump, MORE

Free Chat Friday

Friday Chat Friday, Week 36

Happy Friday, all — I’m calling today a holiday, a day off, a free day; after all, while the Leader of the Free World is obsessively occupied redrawing the map of Dorian and the American South, We the People might as well enjoy just living life, right? MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 35

Happy Last Free Chat Friday before the Disqpocalypse everyone! I wanted to take a trip down memory lane of Disqus…I didn’t have the time to make ANOTHER trailer… I remember way back when I was MORE

Free Chat Friday

Friday Free Chat, Week 34

Happy Friday, News Viewers……. Another week of Twitter insanity leading to the question….Does President Trump do anything other than Tweet first, Think later, Talk first, Think NEVER? Reverse, revise, rinse, repeat, then sit back and enjoy the chaos? MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 33

Happy Friday, News Viewers, this week was another surprising week in the United States! The project to rehabilitate the inner cities of Baltimore, Saint Louis, Detroit, New Orleans and Chicago was started this week, utilizing MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 32

Week 32 and we explore “the landscape of bone,”, an apt phrase from the poem “Diving Into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich. This week we’ve felt shredded, stripped bare, and worried; we’ve experienced life on MORE