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COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 5 / 2020

As the pandemic spreads to OUT OF CONTROL NUMBERS THAT WILL KEEP GETTING WORSE, we still have about 6 weeks of President Blunder and the GREAT HUMAN TRAGEDY that his COVID response could charitably be described as. MORE

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COVID 19 UPDATES: 11 / 18 / 2020

WORLDOMETER  stats for yesterday: +157,261 new cases +1,615 new deaths Illinois and Texas leading the way, both have over 10,000 new cases and 100 deaths. JOHNS HOPKINS stats for yesterday: America’s 7 day positive test MORE


COVID 19 UPDATES: 11 / 12 / 2020

Murrica:  another day, another record WORLDOMETER  stats for yesterday: +142,906 new COVID cases  (23% of world’s new cases). 7 day average of 129,475 per day. Texas and Illinois both over 12,000 cases (more than all MORE


COVID 19 UPDATES: 11 / 3 / 20

While Trump continues to attack America’s health and pandemic experts and scumbags like Ben Shapiro argue on Fox News that Trump bears zero responsibility for how badly the US has handled the pandemic and says MORE


COVID 19 UPDATES: 10 / 29 / 20

WORLDOMETER stats:As of Wednesday, 10/28/2020 (GMT), America has: 81,581 new Covid cases (16.1% of the world’s new cases) 9,120,751 total cases (20.4% of the world’s total cases) 1,030 new Covid deaths (14.5% of the world’s MORE