Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: Just enjoy

We put up several free chat style threads, like this one, throughout the week to let you guys just talk. What I’m asking that you don’t do is ‘just talk’ on threads that are not MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

When it comes to animals, kids and books, what do we know? According to Axios, information from a new online tool called Epic gives us information. “Children prefer owls to chickens and chickens to hedgehogs. Kids MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 27, 2021

Seriously? It’s almost April? Wow—the year is flying by. They seem to do that the older we get. Anyway, I want to address a few house cleaning issues. Let me start by first saying, thank MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 20, 2021

It’s official. IT’S SPRINGTIME! The days are a bit longer; the weather is a bit warmer; and everything is just so green. We took a ride out to a nursery that has these wooden garden MORE