Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: Dear Trump

As we have said in the past, ByeDon, it’s time to really say, Bye Don! So, I thought it would be kind of fun and liberating to write the #WorstPresidentEver a note telling him, bye. MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 2

Friday AGAIN? Last Friday we were trying to make sense of a “riot” which became an insurrection, premeditated, planned, complete with a violent mob, complicit law enforcement and accessories in the Legislature. Since then, the MORE

Last Call

Last Call: January 09, 2021

What a week it has been. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would see a bunch of ignorant and violent half-wits storm our nation’s Capitol Building. But then again, I never thought MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 45

Happy Friday, News Viewers. and we’re still living The Longest Day== Election Day of 2020. It’s 3 a’m and again, I can’t sleep because….Pennsylvania! and Georgia and Nevada– if I sleep I’ll miss this or MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 10-17-20

Wow, now October is half over. This year has flown by for me and it just seems that all the days of the week and months of the year pretty much have all run together. MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 42

Happy Friday News Viewers — I would’ve had this posted earlier except I ran into technical problems— those tech problems resulted in Major psych problems — I’m sure Moderna or AstraZeneca are whipping up a MORE