Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 18

Another Friday rolls around and we’re motoring through the Pandemic that has become every day normal for us. Slowly but surely, we find ourselves beginning to talk about a few non-pandemic subjects as it begins MORE

Haiku Wednesday

Haiku Wednesday

We tried the whole limerick thing but Haikus did so much better and proved so much more fun. So, we’re back to Haiku Wednesday. Here are the rules: I request that any stand alone comment you MORE


Talk o Tuesday 4-28-20

So, The Big Tomato or City of Trees has triggered my allergies. If you think things are bad with thinking everyone around you has symptoms of COVID-19 or no symptoms but carries it, try going MORE


Last Call: 4-25-20

191 days until the General Election and our golden opportunity to get Trump’s Orange Ass out of the People’s House…well, unless we all die from drinking bleach or injecting Lysol or some shit. I’m just going MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 17

It’s Friday, and Shakespeare says it for us, after yesterday’s briefing, the feeling is gloom and doom in the time of Coronavirus. With a President careening off the rails, our thoughts turn to solutions. What MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talk o Tuesday 4-21-20

So….have you taken to the streets to protest stay at home orders and demand your state, city, or town open the hell up? Or, do you think we should all just sit tight and wait MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 4-18-20

198 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus. Just a few housekeeping items to address: Please refrain from downvoting MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talk o Tuesday 4-14-20

Has the boredom killed you yet? Has being trapped in your home with the ones you ALLEGEDLY love want to lash out? Meh–I’m pretty much a homebody to begin with but, I do have to MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 4-11-20

205 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus. Today, the United States surpassed Italy and now leads the MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 15

I THINK it’s Friday, right? 🤔🤔 It could be Tuesday for all I know; the days begin to look alike—- Wake up; follow the cats’ orders, (usually involving food); complete daily power-walk up and down MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 21, 2020

226 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all financially devastated, starving, sick, or dead because of his narcissistic, selfish, incompetent ass. But, enough MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 12

Yes, Coronavirus has been news, but the real news this week hasn’t been the Coronavirus, it’s been the “press briefings” given daily by the “Coronavirus Task Force.” To truly understand the level of incompetence, condescension, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 14, 2020

233 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass and his Cartel to the curb. (Wow! Was I not paying attention last week. I put up the number of Electoral College MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 11

This week, we have talked about every aspect of a new strain of the Corona Virus, COVID-19. In typical NV fashion, as we’ve approached, researched, discussed, disagreed, processed, defined every aspect of the Virus, we’ve MORE


Last Call: March 7, 2020

270 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass and his Cartel to the curb. In all honesty, I’m over the primaries and hope, they’re pretty much over with in MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 10

Good morning and Happy Friday, News Viewers! You’re stuck with me today because our lovely Rachel is a bit under the weather. Get well soon, Rachel! No, I’m not ‘rigging’ an election by the cartoon MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 2-29-20

Happy Leap Year Day! What a peaceful, relaxing Saturday with no demands, wants, or pestering from others. Only 247 days until we get our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb. I just MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 9

My favorite cartoon this week is Morona-Virus. .. .why? Great wordsmithing, for one, but also a reminder of the dumbest of dumb press conferences–the press briefing delivered by the Donald this week that managed once MORE


Last Call-2/22/20

My DOG! can people get I’m so not into these people from bugging the hell out me, PLEASE???? Yeah, it’s been one of those days. But, one of those days have brought my family and MORE