
Last Call: 1-11-20

Welcome to Club Zero! Yes, all of the lonely hearts with ZERO upvotes hang out at this cool place and commiserate about just how badly Disqus sucks, we lost all of our upvotes, and now MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 1-4-2020

Welcome to the first Last Call of the new year, 2020! Now that things have settled down some after the holidays, it’s back to business. A few Disqus bullshit issues that have yet to get MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 1

It’s an old tradition for bringing in the New Year, you’ve heard of it — “Make Noise.” It’s international and it’s supposed to bring luck — in the case of 2020, yesterday Trump made noise MORE

Last Call

Last Call 12-28-19

Tonight is our last Last Call for both the year and decade. I hope the new year brings everyone good health, much happiness, and a new president. The wildest political moments of 2019: A look MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 52

Good morning and Happy Friday, News Viewers. Ms. Rachel is ‘on assignment;’ so, you’re stuck with me.  Aren’t you lucky?! Personally, I love the time I’ve had off.  So, let’s get a few things out MORE


Liveblog - Holiday Music

Happy Holiday snowflakes, tis the season for crazy uncles that love Trump and crazy nephews that love Bernie, but this time of year we all get together and pretend that we all get along, and MORE

Last Call

Last Call 12-21-19

Happy Holidays, News Viewers, and Merry Impeachment! Yes, the Orange Ass is impeached and will wear that label for the rest of his miserable life. Our great grandchildren will learn that Donald J. Trump became MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 51

Happy Friday, News Viewers, this is the Friday after the Wednesday that Impeachment was the Headline; we’ll call it an early Christmas present from the House of Representatives. . . . Let’s freely chat, anything MORE