Last Call

Last Call 10-19-19

Day 1003 of the Trump administration and I sure hope it comes to an end soon. We’re still standing; unfortunately, some of our allies have seen better days, sad. Crimes against humanity? Right now, the MORE

The Lounge

Free Chat Friday, Week 39

After watching the hearing yesterday of the House Intelligence Committee for the Acting Director of National Intelligence, who could blame me if I woke up this morning with prison songs on my mind. . . .? Why, you may ask? MORE

Last Call

Last Call-September 14, 2019

Day 968 of the Trump (mis) administration and we’re still standing. It appears the House has launched an impeachment inquiry against the idiot…or not, depending on who you ask. So, Community Submissions to News Views MORE

Free Chat Friday

Friday Chat Friday, Week 36

Happy Friday, all — I’m calling today a holiday, a day off, a free day; after all, while the Leader of the Free World is obsessively occupied redrawing the map of Dorian and the American South, We the People might as well enjoy just living life, right? MORE