Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 11

Good morning, News Viewers and welcome to Free Chat Friday. I will be your host again this week while our lovely Rachel has some real life issues she’s handling. Be patient with me because I MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Top o’ the mornin’, NewsViewers, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Grab your Irish Mug and join us for Coffee Talk and more on this fine Thursday, as we begin to break down what in the MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers! The coffee is on, the sun is rising, the snow is melting, and it’s another beautiful day in our free chat paradise. It’s Thursday’s free chat forum, where we can gather to MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, Coffee Talkers! Today we wake up to our first Thursday free chat of March, two days post-Fat Tuesday. I skipped the paczkis, but I did throw together some peach pecan muffins yesterday and MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, and welcome to the new chaos bombarding us in our homes thanks to the irrational authoritarian on the other side of the globe — as opposed to the usual chaos coming from MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning and welcome back to Coffee Talk, the free chat zone for Thursdays at NewsViews. I’ll just say that I’m still on my first pot this morning, it’s been that kind of a week. MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Happy Thursday morning, fellow NewsViewers, and welcome to another edition of Coffee Talk. I grabbed the biggest mug in the cupboard today and I’m well on my way to becoming woke. Yep, I’m alert, aware, MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers — it is still morning and the coffee is not working as well as I’d hoped to clear the lead from my veins. Shingrix — I’ll just say that I sure hope MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

As I woke this morning to -8 degrees, I could smell the coffee from the kitchen (thanks, Hubs!), but in order to get some in my belly, it would mean leaving my warm blankets behind. MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Happy Thursday morning, NewsViewers, where at Coffee Talk we focus on the lifeblood of the coffeholics among us before we dig in to some free chatting. At Coffee Talk, we give you the platform to MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday vibes, NewsViewers, and welcome to Coffee Talk where we get to warm up the News Views action with some chit-chat. Just think, all of this is FREE. That’s right, free chat. ***And I MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning from the blustery depths of winter here in the Great Lakes region on this first annual commemoration of the Great Trump Failure. Today’s it’s likely to be all things January 6, and we’re MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning and hallelujah for coffee — making mine dark and deep, just like my thoughts! Ha! It’s been another week of home improvements and grateful for an end to the chaos. We essentially turned MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday morning, NewsViewers, and it is the last Coffee Talk before Christmas! The elf at my house (me) has been baking cookies and getting together some last minute packages, and it is almost time MORE

It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

Welcome to a Special Edition of 5:00 Somewhere at the News Views Lounge! Hope you can join us for a Happy Hour holiday cyber cocktail, while we sort out how many “shopping” days before Christmas, MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Welcome to Coffee Talk this Thursday morning, where free chat is the game we’re playing today. As far as the coffee goes, it’s a double shot kind of day, and I might even consider a MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, sleepy NewsViewers, I’m on my second cup and hoping for some Coffee Talk. This is the Thursday edition of free chat, where we welcome your off topic chit chat with bells on! If MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday to you, NewsViewers! Coffee Talk is here to help you warm up for the day, literally and conversationally. It’s been a busy week full of news to discuss, but consider freely chatting it MORE

Coffee Talk

Turkey Talk

Happy Thanksgiving, NewsViewers! Grab your coffee and join us for this first annual holiday version of Coffee Talk. We’ll be talking turkey, if you like — perhaps with a side of potatoes and pies. White MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, hope you are waking rested, refreshed, and feeling ready to take on today’s outrgeous issues — because we can be sure there will be several to tackle. Coffee Talk gives us a MORE