
Liveblog - Impeachment Update: 10-7-19

To deflect from his own impending impeachment, Trump suggests Speaker Pelosi be ‘immediately impeached.’ Members of Congress cannot be impeached, but the Constitution says each House of Congress “may determine the Rules of its proceedings, MORE


Liveblog - Impeachment Updates: 10-4-19

There’s a lot happening in Impeachment World. We have ‘Smoking Texts’ that show the administration blatantly pressuring Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. More pressure The Cartel put on Ukraine and another whistleblower has come forth. MORE


Calls for impeachment keep growing

As more members of the Democratic Party have come forward to announce their support for some action on impeachment, Trump dismissed the notion as “ridiculous” before delivering a speech at today’s UN Summit meeting. “I MORE


Pressure builds to impeach Trump

Although it was a beautiful conversation he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Trump acknowledged he accused a political rival, Joe Biden, of corruption during a phone call with him. But, Trump denies he put pressure MORE