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Last Call: April 03, 2021

What a lazy day. That’s what happens when you get together with folks (my son and the daughter in law I like) you haven’t hung out with in a few months. But, now that they’re MORE

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Last Call: March 27, 2021

Seriously? It’s almost April? Wow—the year is flying by. They seem to do that the older we get. Anyway, I want to address a few house cleaning issues. Let me start by first saying, thank MORE

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Last Call: March 20, 2021

It’s official. IT’S SPRINGTIME! The days are a bit longer; the weather is a bit warmer; and everything is just so green. We took a ride out to a nursery that has these wooden garden MORE

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Last Call: March 06, 2021

Coming off of PMS’ awesome thread from last night, Rachel’s Free Chat Friday, and Free Chat, Free Range thread, I’ve got nothing. These two women rocked it this week. Please give them a shout out MORE

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Last Call: January 09, 2021

What a week it has been. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would see a bunch of ignorant and violent half-wits storm our nation’s Capitol Building. But then again, I never thought MORE

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Last Call: January 02, 2021

I’m kinda liking the combo, 01-02-21 better. Regardless, this is only the second time thus far that I’ve typed or written the new year. Who am I kidding? I can’t write at this moment, or MORE

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Last Call: 10-31-20

Happy Halloween, everyone! First off, please give a warm welcome to our newest member of our moderating team, PMSwithESP. Welcome aboard, PMS; we are so glad to have you. So, 3 days until the big MORE

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Last Call: 10-17-20

Wow, now October is half over. This year has flown by for me and it just seems that all the days of the week and months of the year pretty much have all run together. MORE

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Last Call: 10-10-20

Yeah, I’m way late. Just got back from picking up our wine shipment at one of the wineries owned by members of Tower of Power, called my mother, and started some paella for dinner. So, MORE

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Last Call: 10-03-20

Goooooooood evening, News Viewers. Thirty more days to the election, providing one candidate lives and the other stays healthy. It’s been a hell of a week in COVID-19 news culminating with the announcement that Trump, MORE