Last Call

Last Call: 9-26-20

Gooooooood evening, News Viewers. I hope you’re enjoying the last weekend in September. We’re now only 37 days away from what is presumed to be a very, chaotic election day. Just get your ballots in MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 9-19-20

44 days, amicos!!! 44 days and We the People get our ONLY CHANCE to save democracy, our country from fascism, and to kick that Orange Sociopath the hell out of The People’s House. Get registered, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 9-12-20

Live from smokey, haze crazed California! Yes, the air quality is a putrid 200 AQI where I live; San Francisco comes in 201 AQI. We were supposed to walk down the street to a local MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 9-5-20

We’re getting there!!! Just looked at our Election Ticker and 59 MORE DAYS!!!! Get out the vote and get Trump the hell out of here, please. This Day in Trump’s America: Louisville, Kentucky. “You a MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-29-20

Huh, I just pulled up last week’s episode of Last Call and realized I screwed up the date and no one noticed??? You guys aren’t on your game; you usually notice every typo I make; MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-23-20

So, CA’s relentless and crippling heat has returned (well, it really never left) and the state is still on fire. We’re all staying indoors, with the AC blasting, because the air is filled with smoke MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-15-20

Rachel may have posted about California’s crippling and disgusting heatwave, but those of us call the state home are living it and it sucks. I believe around noon, we hit 104 degrees with clouds, humidity, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-08-20

What a week. We now have over 162K dead Americans from the Trumpvirus. Hopefully, we will vote him out of the People’s House in 86 days regardless of how hard he and other GOPers work MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-01-20

Wow–it’s August already. Good! It just means we’re closer to the General Election. In fact, we’re 93 days out and the incompetent, reckless, dangerous, and racist ass needs to go! It also means, 2020 has MORE


Last Call: 7-18-2020

First off, let’s all wish our real, Bigly *Jernalist, * PMSwithESP a Happy, Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do, PMS! And—we’re getting closer to hopefully will be the end of this horrible nightmare. Only MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 7-11-2020

114 days until the General Election and hopefully we can end this nightmare, the corruption, chaos, and work together to restore our country and get this pandemic under control. This is insane and it just gets MORE


Last Call: Happy 4th of July!

121 days until the General Election and then we can really celebrate Freedom…Freedom from fascism. Freedom from emboldened Deblorables who will either take up arms and really try taking their country back or run back MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 6-27-20

I’m just going to let you guys talk…just having a glass of wine and thinking about how I really do no want to cook dinner. Keep in mind, 128 days until the election and everyone MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 6-20-20

Yes, it’s summer. Summertime is here. Yes, it’s summer, NOT my time of year. Although, I am a summer baby, my husband is a summer baby, my youngest son is a summer baby, I’m just MORE


Last Call: June 13, 2020

Welp, looks like our country is on the brink on another round of civil unrest. And we’re seeing more spikes in COVID-19…we opened up way too quickly for my taste but, that’s me. We also MORE

Last Call

Last Call: June 6, 2020

After a week of peaceful protests and major looting and chaos, things have finally calmed down and seems (at this moment), peaceful. My city leaders just lifted our curfew and will send the National Guard MORE


Last Call: 5-30-20

Can you believe tomorrow is June 1st? The year is almost half over and that’s a good thing since 2020 really, really sucks. But, we’re now 156 days away from the General Election. Perhaps 2020 MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 5-23-20

163 days until the General Election! Fired up and Ready to go? I am; anything to get that Orange Ass out of office. I’m making it short and sweet because I’m in the process of MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 05-16-20

Hopefully, the next 170 Days to the General Election fly by and we get the #WorstPresidentEver the hell on out of here. Seriously, vote. I just will make this short and sweet: Thanks for all MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 5-09-20

177 days until the General Election and we can vote like it’s the most important election of our lifetime and hopefully, get that incompetent buffoon the hell out of here! First, I want to apologize for MORE


Last Call: 4-25-20

191 days until the General Election and our golden opportunity to get Trump’s Orange Ass out of the People’s House…well, unless we all die from drinking bleach or injecting Lysol or some shit. I’m just going MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 4-18-20

198 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus. Just a few housekeeping items to address: Please refrain from downvoting MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 4-11-20

205 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus. Today, the United States surpassed Italy and now leads the MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 4-4-20

212 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all financially devastated, starving, sick, or dead because of his narcissistic, selfish, incompetent ass. No, worries. MORE