Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 10-27-20

One week away from what’s known as the political junkies’ Super Bowl–ELECTION DAY! I hope everyone has their ballots in for those who chose to vote by mail or vote early. Anyway–please feel free to MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 10-20-20

Kind of an odd date when you see it ‘spelled’ out: 10-20-20. It kind of has a nice ring to it or I’m just being weird, probably. It also makes us one day closer to MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 9-15-20

Good morning, News Viewers! Just saw the weather report and it looks like CA is finally cooling down and the smoke may start dissipating. I look forward to a cool down and less smoke because MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 9-01-20

It’s September, people. Although this year has sucked ass more than any year thus far, it’s almost over. Normally, I would be excited about now because fall has always been my favorite season but, not MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 8-4-2020

Happy Birthday, President Obama! We sure do miss you! Besides that, I got nothing. I’m bored, over this pandemic, over Trump, his buffoonery, and incompetence, but most of all, I’m over 2020. This year has MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: 7-21-2020

Good morning, News Viewers and welcome to this week’s edition of Talko Tuesday. I’m going to just let you guys share what’s happening in your world and what’s on your mind while I get ready MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: 7-14-2020

As of yesterday, 30 counties, or more appropriately, 85 percent of the population of CA, shuttered…again. So, I’m stuck at home, once again, but pretty much have been since November of last year. Besides hanging MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: 7-07-2020

So, we survived the fireworks, both the legal and illegal ones. I’ve never heard so many KABOOMS! that literally occurred ALL OVER CA. We have some tight restrictions on them, but people still let off MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: 6-23-20

Good morning! Summer has officially arrived and it will get hot today and remain hot pretty much the entire week. It’s not even the end of June and I’ve already started hearing fireworks. After listening MORE