Trump’s GOP Gasbags Think We’re Idiots

The minions can't prove the president's innocence, so they're accusing Democrats of an anti-democratic, "Soviet-style" process.

For the past four weeks, I’ve been monitoring the evolving defenses put forth by President Trump’s allies. They began with flat-out denials of wrongdoing that didn’t survive casual brushes with scrutiny. Some of Trump’s defenders then tried to muddy the waters by normalizing corrupt quid pro quos and claiming that Trump and the Democrats alike had made missteps.

When the House voted on Thursday to formally authorize the impeachment inquiry, the Republican Party’s new strategy to defend Trump finally slid into focus. They implicitly seem to understand that they can’t defend him on the merits of his conduct. Nor can they make honest critiques of the impeachment process itself, now that House Democrats have adopted the procedural measures requested by the Republican Senate last week. So they’ve turned to comparing Democrats to communists, and accusing them of violating Trump’s rights, in the hopes that Americans are too ignorant about how impeachment works to know any better.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.