Trump’s preferred company awarded $400 million to build 31 miles of new barriers

So, Fisher Sand and Gravel based out of North Dakota, a company that Trump lobbied hard to receive a government contract to build 31miles of his Stupid Wall across an Arizona wildlife refuge, just received it, according to a Defense Department announcement Monday. The completion date for this very expensive, 32 miles of wall should be Dec. 30, 2020.

Trump has repeatedly pushed for Fisher to get a wall-building contract, urging officials with the Army Corps of Engineers to pick the firm — only to be told that Fisher’s bids did not meet standards. Trump’s entreaties on behalf of the company have concerned some officials who are unaccustomed to a president getting personally involved in the intricacies of government contracting.

The Washington Post:

Apparently, Trump loves the company’s chief executive Tommy Fisher who appears on Fox ‘News’ quite frequently promoting the fact that he believes his company can do a better job than those who have gone through the proper bidding process.

Fisher has checked off all the “I’m a racist” boxes. In the past, Fisher has “worked with Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach and ex-White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon — to build border fencing on private land using private donations.”

Trump has pledged to complete 450 to 500 miles of new border barriers by the end of next year. So far his administration has built about 85 miles of fencing, almost all of it in areas where tall steel bollards are replacing smaller, older structures that were there before he took office.

Read the entire stomach churning article from the link provided above. If you have issues, The Hill has the condensed version.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!