Freshmen House Dems Push For Amash as Impeachment Manager

Thirty freshmen Democrats in the House are lobbying for Justin Amash (I-Michigan) as an impeachment manager in the event of a Senate trial, according to the Washington Post.

The group, led by Minnesota Dem Dean Phillips, thinks that Amash, an independent who recently left the Republican party and is a vocal critic of Trump, would reach out to conservative voters and deflect from the partisan narrative being pushed by Republicans.

The role would task Amash with arguing the House’s case in an impeachment trial.

“To the extent that this can be bipartisan, it should, and I think including Representative Amash amongst the impeachment managers is a smart move both for the country, for the substance and for the optics,” Phillips said, adding that Amash brings an array of qualifications: He’s an attorney, a constitutionalist and “the first and only member of the Republican conference, when he was a Republican, to show courage,” Phillips added.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would ultimately make the call and is expected to announce managers early this week, multiple Democrats said. Amash did not respond to a request for comment about whether he would accept such a position. But Phillips, who is in touch with Amash about the idea, said the lawmaker has agreed to consider it if asked.

Washington Post and Axios has this story.