John Delaney drops out of Democratic Primary

It's about time! Sometimes it takes delusional people longer to realize that they're irrelevant.

John Delaney, a wealthy businessman and former Maryland congressman, announced on Friday that he is ending his presidential campaign, just three days before the Iowa caucuses.

In a statement, his campaign said that his decision “is informed by internal analyses indicating John’s support is not sufficient to meet the 15% viability in a material number of caucus precincts, but sufficient enough to cause other moderate candidates to not to make the viability threshold, especially in rural areas where John has campaigned harder than anyone.”

Delaney, a moderate Democrat, said on CNN Friday morning that he did not want to take away votes from other moderate candidates, such as former Vice President Joe Biden, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.


Article submitted by, Avro Arrow.