Talk o Tuesday 4-21-20

So….have you taken to the streets to protest stay at home orders and demand your state, city, or town open the hell up? Or, do you think we should all just sit tight and wait for when it’s safe to go out again? I’m in the latter category…just be patient; we’ll get through this.

I will say, I’m over this cooking three meals a day thing I have going on; it’s getting old….quickly. I love to cook but lately, I view it more as a chore than something fun to do. Plus, I’ve run out of ideas and just uninspired at the moment. Maybe something interesting will pop in my head and I will get inspired again.

We did put our summer garden in: Several varieties of peppers and tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and butternut squash. Hopefully, that will keep me occupied and help ward off the boredom.

So, feel free to talk about pretty much anything and enjoy each one’s company; don’t eat your own, please. We’re in this together.

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About Ms. G 5736 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!