Florida Man arrested on child porn charges after purchasing, eating soiled underwear!

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd holds a photo of Jose Araza at a press conference.

“Jose Araza was buying these things and ingesting them. Did you hear me?” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said. “He was munching on them. This guy’s got a problem.”

Judd said that sixteen other men were arrested in “Operation Guardians of Innocence V,” and face 1,400 felony charges. 

“There’s a market out there,” said Judd. “You know what kinds of things get into soiled underwear, right? Sometimes you think you’re passing gas and you’re not. You can’t trust a fart when you’re over 60. But this guy will buy it.”

Sheriff Grady Judd is 66 years old.

Araza worked for Lockheed Martin as an IT specialist, he has since been fired.


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