Matt Gaetz Tries Whitesplaining on Police Reform

Not making good friends

Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing on police reform got heated between Matt Gaetz (Idiot-Florida) and Cedric Richman (D-Louisiana) after the Florida idiot interrupted Congressman Richman to ask him “who the hell” he thought he was.

While debating the Justice In Policing Act on Wednesday, Richman began by noting that congressmen often refer to members of the opposing party as “good friends” but suggested that would not likely be the case when he was finished with his remarks.

The bill being debated would ban police chokeholds, regulate body cams, make lynching a federal crime, prohibit no-knock warrants in drug cases, and establish a federal registry for officers with misconduct records. Richman rejected the “side issues” like antifa investigations and Michael Flynn, saying, “You are all white men who have never lived in my shoes and you do not know what it is like to be an African-American male!”

Gaetz interrupted. “Are you suggesting that you’re certain that none of us have non-white children? Because you reflect on your black son, and you said none of us could understand.” 

Richmond’s response: “…It is not about the color of your kids. It is about black males, black people in the streets that are getting killed, and if one of them happens to be your kid, I’m concerned about him, too, and clearly, I’m more concerned about him than you are.”

“You’re claiming you have more concern for my family than I do?” Gaetz shot back. “Who in the hell do you think you are?”

Matt Gaetz is unmarried and has no children.

See this story at The Hill.