Federal prosecutors in Roger Stone case will testify they were pressured to give sweetheart deal

Aaron Zelinsky will testify before Congress about alleged political interference at the Justice Department.

Prosecutor says he was pressured to cut Roger Stone ‘a break’ because of his ties to Trump


A prosecutor who withdrew from the Roger Stone case after Justice Department leaders intervened to recommend a lighter sentence intends to testify before Congress that he and his colleagues were repeatedly pressured to cut Stone “a break,” and were told that it was because of his relationship with President Donald Trump.

“I was also told that the acting U.S. Attorney was giving Stone such unprecedentedly favorable treatment because he was ‘afraid of the President.'”

Zelinsky will appear alongside antitrust prosecutor John Elias, who plans to testify that Attorney General William Barr personally ordered the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division to launch politically motivated reviews of 10 cannabis mergers.

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.