114 days until the General Election and hopefully we can end this nightmare, the corruption, chaos, and work together to restore our country and get this pandemic under control. This is insane and it just gets keeps getting worse each day.
I don’t know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods but right now, it’s 100 degrees and I’m a bit grouchy. Tomorrow, it’s supposed to hit 104. It’s freaking HOT!! Even the spazzed out, striped shithead (our cat) is lying down and that, in itself, is shocking. Damn, she’s a terrorist and completely obsessed with water.
***Just picked the first of what will be a bumper crop of tomatoes and made some Caprese with both some gold varietal and Brandywine from our garden…yum! Brandywine are one of my favorites.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend; they go by to quickly. Stay safe and healthy, everyone and avoid COVIDIOTS!