Pope Says Gossiping is a ‘Worse Plague’ Than Coronavirus!


“Please, brothers and sisters, let’s make an effort not to gossip. Gossiping is a worse plague than COVID,” the pope said during his weekly address from a window above St. Peter’s Square.

“The devil is the great gossip. He is always saying bad things about others because he is the liar who tries to split the Church,” Francis added in the off-the-cuff comments.


It’s not the first time Francis has made such strong remarks on gossip — in 2016, he warned priests and nuns not to fuel the “terrorism of gossip,” encouraging them to resist the temptation to spread voices and tales within their community.


Gossipers are terrorists!

He repeated his complaint about gossip, saying it “kills because the tongue kills like a knife.” He warned: “Gossipers are terrorists because with their tongues they drop a bomb and then leave, and the bomb they drop destroys reputations everywhere.”


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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it