A grand jury has indicted Texas Sheriff Robert Chody on felony evidence tampering charges for destroying video evidence in the police killing of Javier Ambler

Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody indicted in Javier Ambler case


A Williamson County grand jury has indicted Sheriff Robert Chody on an evidence tampering charge in the destruction of reality TV show footage that showed deputies chasing and using force on a Black man who died last year.

Former Williamson County general counsel Jason Nassour, who was also at the scene of the deadly March 2019 incident, also was indicted on a evidence tampering charge. The charge, a third degree felony, is punishable by two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Prosecutors have said they could not disclose what they learned about Chody’s role in the video destruction because of the ongoing case. Indicted officials are allowed to continue to serve under Texas law but can be removed from office if they are convicted.


Article submitted by, shelotmlee.