Seagram’s heiress sentenced to almost 7 years for role in Nxivm sex cult

Another filthy rich modern day libertine

Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune, was sentenced to nearly seven years in prison Wednesday — more than the five-year sentence prosecutors had recommended.

Bronfman, 41, is the first member of Nxivm, a company that marketed self-improvement programs, to be sentenced in the federal case that resulted in the cult-like group’s founder Keith Raniere being convicted of sex trafficking, racketeering, sexual exploitation of a child and human trafficking charges.

Bronfman said in her letter that Raniere’s self-improvement teachings helped her overcome “patterns of self-loathing, insecurities, shame and fears” and that through Nxivm, she was able to find a community of friends that became like family to her.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.