Trump claims ‘I feel so good;’ coughs and pauses throughout interview with Hannity; dodges questions about testing negative

Amid horrible nationwide polls leading into the election, Trump clearly wants to appear healthy and largely recovered from COVID-19, despite being sent to the hospital over the weekend for the illness, which apparently required he receive supplemental oxygen.

And as part of that push he called into Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on Thursday night for a wild conversation, where he refused to say whether or not he’s tested negative for COVID-19, made a bunch of very odd sounding statements, and also seemed to either clear his throat or cough several times.

On Thursday, White House physician Sean Conley claimed that Trump will be able to resume public engagements by Saturday. Of course, it’s widely known that people can still be contagious up to ten days after COVID-19 symptoms go away, and Hannity brought up the matter during the phone conversation. But when asked if he’s been tested “recently” or tested negative, Trump refused to give a straight answer and instead stuck to his obvious attempt to win over older voters by promising them free coronavirus medication.

Sure, Trump is doing soooooo well.

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