“Madam Vice President and Madam Speaker,” President Biden began, turning toward Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

Happy Friday, News Viewers — I see Kentucky hasn’t changed much in my absence…… I can’t believe life just went on, (you mean life doesn’t revolve around me?) it did its normal maskless, exhaley, socially clumped red state thing. America fighting the virus, one step at a time. I found this common on my trip to picck up my 93 year old Dad and bring him home with me– he was in Colorado so I drove across many of our nation’s flatter states I have to say, Colorado was a mix in terms of maskiness, but Kansas and Missouri? Fuggedaboudit……….
Since I’m home, I have my dear Dad but he has advanced age and an American culture that doesn’t care much for Veterans. But in addition, I have my dear Dad, nuff said. And the first time I turned on the news after getting home, it was to watch Joe give a beautifully crafted, delivered and strategic speech– I still can’t get over the layers of meaning, feeling and spirit within that speech– a great welcome home. We’ll hear this speech again. . . . .
I wonder what’s been going on around the NV arena– bring it on; anything goes, everything stays because this is a free chat for chatting freely. Of course “within reason” is assumed and “keep video clips short” is my earnest prayer to the universe– Howzit goin’ all? What’s happening in your world?