Vanessa and Tiffany Trump Got Inappropriately Close With Secret Service Members

Two Trump women got “inappropriately close” with Secret Service agents while the former guy was in the Oval Office, according to a new book by Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig.

According to the book, Secret Service agents reported that Vanessa Trump, the wife of the president’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr, “started dating one of the agents who had been assigned to her family.” Vanessa filed for divorce in March 2018, and was not officially guarded by the agent in question nor the agency at the time. There were no disciplinary measures for the agent.

Tiffany Trump also broke up with a boyfriend and “began spending an unusual amount of time alone with a Secret Service agent on her detail.” Service leadership “became concerned at how close Tiffany appeared to be getting to the tall, dark and handsome agent.”

Both Tiffany and the agent denied anything unusual about the relationship, but the agent was reassigned. It is considered prohibited for agents to become personally involved with their subjects out of concern for clouded judgement.

Leonnig reports that it was unclear whether Donald Trump knew the details about his daughter and former daughter-in-law, but apparently Trump himself asked for Secret Service staff he deemed overweight or out of shape to be removed from the job.

“I want these fat guys off my detail,” Trump is reported to have said, possibly confusing office-based personnel with active agents. “How are they going to protect me and my family if they can’t run down the street?”

Leonnig has won a Pulitzer Prize in 2015 for her reporting on security failures of the Secret Service. She also reported on a WaPo team about Edward Snowden’s leaks, Russian election interference, and links between Trump and Moscow.

Report was at the Guardian.