Talko Tuesday: Make some noise

Personally, I prefer quiet time but apparently, COVId-19 is over in the sunny state of CA so make some noise! CA opens back up today and there are signs everywhere that hey, it’s over!!! So pop some bubbly, ditch the mask, go hug a stranger, get in someone’s face because…it’s done. The pandemic is over!!!

Talk to me in 10-14 days and I’ll let you know just how done the pandemic really is.

Glad that Governor Newsom did not let go of his Executive Powers and vowed to shut down the state if it gets out of control. Based on the COVIDIOTS that live in the burbs and rural areas of CA, it would not surprise me if we’re not back where we started from and shut down…again. Thankfully, I live in a zip code that has a very high vaccination rate and I feel safe.

So, make some noise and have some fun!

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