Fiona Hill Talks Putin Meetings With Biden and the Former Guy

Fiona Hill, who was once Trump’s top Russia adviser, told Don Lemon on Tuesday night that she considered looking around for a fire alarm or faking a medical emergency in order to interrupt the disastrous press conference in 2018 in Helsinki.

Hill called the joint press conference in 2018 “humiliating for the country.”

“I had exactly the same feeling that Deborah Birx had during the infamous press conference where there was the suggestion by President Trump about injecting bleach to counteract the coronavirus,” Hill said. “It was one of those moments where it was mortifying, frankly, and humiliating for the country.”


Trump continually denied collusion with Russia and sided with Putin over his own intelligence officials who had determined that Russia had interfered with the 2016 election. Trump also called the U.S. “foolish.”

Hill has spent the week helping President Biden prepare for the summit with Putin.

You can watch the interview with Lemon below.