Trump Says He ‘Didn’t Win’ The 2020 Election And Wants Biden To ‘Do Well’

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday came as close as he’s ever been to conceding his 2020 election loss in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, also claiming he is rooting for President Joe Biden’s success on the world stage.

Concedes election, roots for Biden

  • Trump said that although he did “much better” in 2020 than he did in 2016 in terms of total votes, “we didn’t win,” adding that the result was “shocking.”
  • Earlier in the interview, Trump had alluded to his repeated, baseless claims of widespread fraud in the election by claiming it was “unbelievably unfair.”
  • Trump also professed to wanting Biden to succeed in international diplomacy, claiming he wants him to “go out and do well for our country” but adding that his recent summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was “terrible.”
  • Trump touted his “good relationship” with both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin, claiming he and Putin “get along” but that he was “so tough” on the Russian strongman despite widespread criticism of his handling of Russia.
  • The former president also signaled more endorsements ahead for 2022 candidates, claiming his endorsement “means more than any endorsement that has ever been given by anybody.”

Key background

Though he acknowledged in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 election that he would be leaving office, Trump has typically stopped short of conceding that he lost the election legitimately. Recently, he has returned to loudly proclaiming the election was stolen through widespread fraud – despite repeated rejections of those claims by the courts – and pouring his hopes into bizarre election audits in key states.

Full story over at Forbes Middle-East

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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon