Rick Wiles Claims That ‘Jesus Christ Shut Down Right Wing Watch’ !


“Last week, Right Wing Watch was informed that YouTube had terminated our account due to what it said were repeated violations of the platform’s community guidelines against hate speech and disinformation, stemming from our coverage of the bigoted views and outrageous conspiracy theories promoted by the right-wing activists we monitor.”

Long story short, Right Wing Watch appealed to YouTube and lost. 

“The right’s glee, alas, was short-lived, as YouTube eventually reversed its decision amid the wave of bad press and reinstated our channel, which makes the gloating over our supposed demise with which End Times conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles kicked off his “TruNews” program Monday night now appear rather foolish.”

“Let me make this very clear today: Jesus Christ shut down Right Wing Watch,” Wiles celebrated. “Not YouTube. Jesus Christ shut down Right Wing Watch today. This is an example of God working through unsaved people at YouTube to carry out his vengeance against those who attack and smear his servants. So I didn’t have to lift a finger against Right Wing Watch. I think they’ll disappear in the coming weeks and months. There’s no purpose for them now.”

Right Wing Watch

No scripture and/or proselytizing

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it