What Would You Do Wednesday? Should we require all healthcare workers get vaccinated?

At News Views, we’re always trying something to get y’all out here talking. This week, I’ve presented an upcoming issue that affects many of us: Required vaccinations for all healthcare workers.

From the Washington Post:

A coalition of health-care organizations called on medical facilities Tuesday to mandate that their workers get vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying the strategy has worked to fight influenza and other infectious diseases and is necessary to contain the pandemic.

“COVID-19 vaccination should be a condition of employment for all healthcare personnel,” the coalition’s statement reads, warning that “a sufficient vaccination rate is unlikely to be achieved” without a vaccine mandate.

Obviously, there are exceptions to most mandated rules and regulations but doesn’t it make sense for those treating us in close proximity to get vaccinated to protect us, other patients, mitigate the spread of the deadly virus, and for their own and family’s safety? What is the beef?

Do you believe the federal and or state government should enact national requirements on health-care workers and mandate they get vaccinated? What other professions, if any, should we require workers get vaccinated? I mean, we require flu shots in some professions and our kids must show proof of their vaccines before enrolling in public schools, so, why do we have such a major beef with the COVID-19 vaccine?

So, your task, as the intelligent lot you are, is to discuss the dilemma. Answer any and all questions you want but more importantly, share your ideas with your fellow News Viewers. Feel free to share your thoughts on what to do about requiring healthcare workers to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus.

Hope you enjoy- Please understand that this is not a free chat thread. Please post to the topic; share your ideas, answer the questions I asked, and offer up any solutions/ideas, etc. you may have.

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