Meanwhile, Sean Spicer, also among the Trump loyalists being shown the door, is threatening to sue the Biden administration.

More than six months after taking office, President Joe Biden is finally doing what he probably should’ve done earlier: Booting Donald Trump’s political appointees from their posts on military advisory boards. The White House on Wednesday said it had sent letters to Trump appointees to the Board of Visitors for the Air Force, Military, and Naval Academies, including prominent allies of the former president like Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer, requesting that they resign or be dismissed.
Though some of the appointees, like Spicer and retired General H.R. McMaster, have military experience (Spicer is in the Navy Reserve), some of them have more dubious qualifications, and were installed in their roles in a flurry in the final days of the Trump presidency. The Pentagon already moved to block outrageously political picks like Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, and David Bossie, his deputy campaign manager, from their advisory positions. Now, the administration is ousting several others, who reacted with predictable outrage: Spicer vowed not to resign and to sue the Biden administration, and Conway, in a statement posted to Twitter, also refused to resign and—hilariously—accused Biden of committing a “break from presidential norms.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shot back on Twitter: “A predictable, if not unfortunate, outcome. Clinging onto vestiges of power against the people’s will is kind of your /Trump’s / the GOP’s thing. When you’re fired, don’t let the fascist victim complex hit you on the way out.”
Vanity Fair
Source: Vanity Fair/The Hive