Happy Halloween Eve! I don’t really think there’s such a thing but, I felt like saying it so, there’s that. Or, is it ‘Pumpkin Magic’ time?
Tell me about your Halloween traditions, please. Let’s share! (Really, I’m stoned-cold sober, just goofy).
When my kids were younger, I would take them Trick or Treating to various businesses that participated in the event the last Saturday of October. It was a great event (and workout) that went on for about 15 blocks and they made out like bandits. On Halloween, we would always go to their school’s spaghetti dinner in costume and dance. They went to Parochial school at the time and the church was predominantly Italian-American…so, spaghetti and it was good. Yes, I’m a ‘recovering’ Catholic.
Now that they’re grown, we really don’t do much of anything. Especially last year when many parents kept their kids at home because of the pandemic that is not over, even though Bill Maher says differently. Like anybody should get their COVID-19 advice from freaking Bill Maher. Might as well get your COVID-19 advice from your average, Joe MAGAt.
This year, I did decorate. I have orange, purple, and green outdoor lights in the front yard and pumpkins. I strung up these really cool lantern like, spider lights that I found at an estate sale, never even opened. I made a witch’s hat wreath that turned out pretty cool and put a bunch of Halloween themed picks all in my plants to keep those two felines the hell out of them. They’ve worked out very well keeping their butts out of my plants.
I probably will make a few lasagnas tomorrow because when I was younger, we always had lasagna on Halloween. I have no clue how that became a tradition but, we always had lasagna. I told my mom I would take her some tomorrow.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of the weekend, stay safe, and mask up! Don’t be a ‘stumbling block’ to ending this pandemic that still exists regardless of what Bill Maher claims.