Coffee Talk

Happy Thursday morning, NewsViewers, where at Coffee Talk we focus on the lifeblood of the coffeholics among us before we dig in to some free chatting.

At Coffee Talk, we give you the platform to chat about random topics of your choice, but offer a suggested topic of the day to get us gabbing. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the suggested topic, but always remember this is your free chat space like all of the others we provide.

Feel free to talk about what’s happening in your world — the weather, the mouth-breathers, your latest Netflix feast, or…….

Today’s Topic

After being stuck essentially at home for two years, the thought of traveling somewhere for pleasure seems either like a distant memory or a distant aspiration.

At our house, we have rescheduled a tropical vacation twice, with the latest version of the itinerary on the books for September. If this virus is still keeping us at home, I’m likely to break down and plan a domestic getaway to escape from my own back yard. I love my home, and I love being home — but it’s time (for us, anyway) to figure out a way to travel again — some day.

What U.S. states have you always wanted to see but have yet to visit?

Maybe we have to put politics aside for a fleeting moment to consider what might intrigue you about a place you’ve never seen, but always have wanted to? Think about a time before we became blue states and red states, or think back on a fourth grade geography report. Is there some historical site, a museum, a mountain range or body of water that you’ve never made the time to visit? Name at least one state you’d like to see, but haven’t.

Enjoy your Thursday, and enjoy your free chat!