MTG’s Latest Conspiracy Theory is That Leftists Are Torching Food Facilities

Maybe the Jewish space lasers are back at it, but there’s nothing that makes sense about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest conspiracy theory.

Marjorie thinks that globalists from the left are still starting fires, this time targeting food processing facilities.

There are thousands of fires every year at manufacturing facilities, and so far this year nearly two dozen food processing plants have gone up in flames.

Marjorie thinks that seems suspicious given the timing of global food shortages. In an election year, Greene suggests it’s a matter of 3D chess to deprive voters of food.

Maybe she didn’t think of that herself.

Alex Jones, infamous conspiracy theorist, along with Tucker Carlson, who asks the tough questions, are both saying “some people” are wondering about the “suspicious” coincidence of accidents at food plants at a time of global food shortages.

“There have been approximately 20 fires in U.S. food processing facilities in the first four months of 2022, which is not extreme at all and does not signal anything out of the ordinary,” said a spokesperson for the National Fire Protection Association.  The annual average of fires at manufacturing and processing facilities across the U.S. from 2015 to 2019 was 5,308. “

Rolling Stone