Liveblog - In Case You Missed It: June 11, 2022

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines we may have missed or new developments providing they come from reliable and credible sources. We won’t accept any parroted, Russian propaganda from far-right ‘news’ sources unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. Nor, will we except any parroted far-right BS regarding issues occurring here, at home. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.


Ginni Thomas pressed 29 Ariz. lawmakers to help overturn Trump’s defeat, emails show

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by The Washington Post.

The Post reported last month that Thomas sent emails to two Arizona House members, in November and December 2020, urging them to help overturn Biden’s win by selecting presidential electors — a responsibility that belongs to Arizona voters under state law. Thomas sent the messages using FreeRoots, an online platform intended to make it easy to send pre-written emails to multiple elected officials.

President Biden/Biden Administration:



Republicans Running Scared in Ohio. At least Rep. Ryan Didn’t Threaten a Youngstow (sic) Tune-up:

Guns/Gun Violence:

“Guns are way too accessible for our young people today”: CMPD Chief speaks about teen violence in Charlotte



What Others are Saying:

January 6 Updates:

January 6 Hearings:

January 6th Alleged Pardons:

After alleging that Perry had advocated for Clark’s appointment as attorney general, Cheney asserted, “As you will see, Rep. Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after Jan. 6 to seek a presidential pardon.  Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election.”

She did not name any additional members of Congress or provide additional evidence to back up the claim during her statement Thursday evening, which offered a kind of executive summary of the case the committee will lay out over the course of the next five hearings in June.  

CBS News:

As some of then-President Donald Trump’s closest allies hit the exits after the violence of the Jan. 6 insurrection, longtime informal adviser and Fox News host Sean Hannity took a different approach: He tried to convince Trump that he could use his office to help heal some of the wounds from the insurrection.

The Real and True Television Ratings; Not McMath Stats Found on a Shithole:

Tucker Lies and Projects and the KKKult Will Believe Him:

Craven Assholes:

The Worst People in the World:


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