Coffee Talk

Good morning, Coffee Talkers, welcome to the prelude to the holiday weekend!

We don’t tend to travel much on holiday weekends, we enjoy watching everyone else leave the neighborhood with their SUV’s packed down with campers and boats and kids, stuffed full of coolers, floaties, beach towels, tents and whatever else it takes to relax and enjoy a long weekend.

I’ve found an amusing Twitter account to follow that gives me those summer feels, thinking of days of summer vacation and finding a place to stick your toes into something refreshing — a nice, cool lake.

I’m surrounded by some pretty awesome Great Lakes, but there’s one that’s been on my Twitter radar.

Yes, they’re all pretty cool (literally, figuratively), and for health nuts, they are low-sodium as well as shark free. Now, the largest, Lake Superior, has taken on a title of most Twitter-famous.

And like that, I was enjoying the wittiest GLOAT — Great Lake Of All Time.

Today’s Topic

It’s the weekend of July 4, which is a bittersweet moment in time for me, marking the mid-point of summer. Summer as a kid was endless, but now?

What speaks to you as “Summer Vacation?”

Is it a certain location to visit, is it a routine? Is it something you remember as a kid, or a memory you enjoy making and remaking over and over when the days and rays get long? A summer treat, a refreshing menu?

Share what gifts summer brings to you. Happy Thursday, enjoy your free chat today!