Last Call: October 22, 2022

Goooood evening, News Viewers, and welcome to the weekend.

So how was everyone’s day? Ours was spent putting up a greenhouse and moving cuttings and starter plants into it. I actually saved one pepper plant and two tomato plants that are doing well and they will now become an experiment. I put them in the greenhouse and we shall see! I also put two large containers of strawberries in there to see if just maybe…just maybe…we can have a bit of fruit and veggies this winter that actually taste like they’re supposed to instead of some out of season, grocery store crap. It’s getting cold, for us, and it’s time to start wintering over my ‘nursery.’

We brought in a bunch of large plants the last few days and now my living and dining room look like a jungle, a very well appointed, indoor, urban jungle. The cats can’t really get into them, thankfully, but they sure like hiding behind the taller ones that we have on the floor (Elephant Ears, Fig Faddle thingies Rubber Trees, and some other Ficus). They can pretend they’re outdoors…just don’t climb or dig in them. Yeah, right.

Now, I have a mess of dirt and spent leaves on my patio that I am slowly but surely cleaning up. Fall cleaning is as intense as spring cleaning. Fall planting is almost as intense as spring planting. I have one big garden box already filled with a small cedar shrub, cyclamen, Angel Ears, and foliage (filler) for the Holidays and yes, they are closely approaching us.

What was very cool was after we popped up the greenhouse; yes, it’s a popup that fits so perfectly (by design…I did McMath and it worked!) in my large, raised bed, a Monarch butterfly, bumble bee, and a praying mantis already found their way in. The bee was a bit freaked out and I left him alone; he figured it out and flew out. My husband cupped his hands and got the butterfly to go out and it was very cooperative. I left the praying mantis alone so he can feast on all the other creatures that serve no purpose other than to destroy stuff. Damn, praying mantises are weird looking.

Enjoy the rest of weekend and enjoy one another’s company!

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