Free Chat Friday, Week 44

The Left Wing media will tell you today is Friday, that it’s November, that the weather is warm in the Arctic and cold in the desert, that peaceful protests are all well and good unless White People are the protestors.

Well, Jesus said “the truth shall set you free” and that’s what we conservatives are fighting for, our freedom to be free from atheist Marxist socialism which outlines the elaborate plan to force you to use your inside voice and read books to your children and stop coughing in grandma’s face.

Just remember that today, on this fine Tuesday not Friday, as the Monarch Butterflies and bumblebees make their journeys across the humid and pristine lakes of Arizona and Colorado, that this land is YOUR land, this land is my land, this land’s not their land, it was made for You and Me, in the words of the great Woody Guthrie, a good old boy, the man who disavowed unions and loved the greatness of America.

So for truth, for good weather and for our freedom to sing about ourselves and vote against the evils of thy neighbor, don’t forget to vote and vote safely! If a Leftist gets in your way, remember what the Bible and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence say, “Give ME Liberty or I’ll give you death because Make My Day. . . .

This is free Chat for Friday, and that’s the truth…. What’s going on in your world, News Viewers?, this Friday before Midterms? Let’s talk. . . .